Male Sexual Dysfunction
Common problems which men may experience include premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction(ED), and problems with libido ( desire). Less common problems are anejaculation( inability to reach orgasm) and pain on ejaculation.
These problems including erectile dysfunction, can affect men of any age. Premature ejaculation is more common in younger men, and organogenic ED (that caused by physical problems) more common in older men, who have other disease processes such as diabetes.
There are excellent treatment options for all these problems as long as the underlying causes are well understood.
Your urologist will take a comprehensive history and do a careful examination before discussing the treatment options.
Some problems with sexual dysfunction (eg. Premature ejaculation) may not require any medication. In these cases behavioural modification or specialized exercises may be appropriate, although medication is also available.
The medical conditions associated with ED include diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol , heart disease, neurological disorders and obesity. Remember however, that ED can occur in perfectly healthy men.
Treatment options for ED specifically, apart from correcting the underlying medical condition/s, include using the PDE 5 drugs such as Viagra and others, vacuum erection devices, penile injections, penile prosthesis surgery.
The expectations, benefits and risks of these options should be fully explained during your visit to the urologist.